Interesting thoughts

The entirety of the movie "Alladin" was just some bullshit told by an old guy to get you to buy a lamp.
If you're on a really high floor in an office building and you see a spider, chances are it's hatched from a second or third generation of spiders that has never been outdoors.
Grand Theft Auto is such a common game now that I frequently forget that it's the name of an actual crime
Eating while taking a poo is kind of like those stacking point pencils from the 90s.
People used the cigarette lighter socket to light cigarettes, but now they use it to charge cigarettes.
What if we actually are living in a computer simulation, and superstitions like wishes on birthday candles or shooting stars are based on old cheat codes that have since been patched?
Sports are mostly about people trying to stop each other from completing very simple tasks.
When marijuana is legal people will say 4/20 is just another commercialized holiday.
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