Interesting thoughts

The person directly in front of you is also the person that is the farthest behind you.
Snapchat should have a day where facial effects aren't sent along with the photo. So people everywhere will just receive photos of their friends with their mouths open and making weird poses.
I am a much better proofreader the moment after I post something than the moment before.
Checking the "remember my password" box on a website unchecks the "remember my password" box in your head.
Batman only fights crime at night because otherwise he would have weird and obvious tan lines.
If you were learing English by watching cop shows, you might think that "Freeze" means "Run"
George RR Martin dying before he can complete his series would be meta as fuck and help highlight his themes about death and reality.
Pets are better than children. They eat less, they don't ask for money, and if they get pregnant, you can sell their babies.
I didn't know how many of my FB friends were experts on gorillas/zoo-keeping until this week.
Waldo has been traveling all over the world for years and never chosen a place to call home. Maybe the person trying the hardest to find Waldo is himself.
Spongebob is actually about a boss that underpays and overworks his employees to the point of insanity, depression, and even mental breakdowns.
Someone should develop a "time lapsule", a time lapse camera designed to operate for several decades without maintenance that can be permanently installed in a public area.
A bachelor party would be a lot more suited after a divorce opposed to before a wedding
Whenever Disney "re-imagines" an animated classic as a live action film, they use so much CGI that they’re essentially making an animated film.
If Elon Musk really is our Tony Stark, we should trap him in a cave until he creates a fusion reactor
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