Interesting thoughts

There is a whole number that exists so large that just to speak it would take you your entire lifetime.
All flashlights should have a glow-in-the-dark band on them so you can find them when you need a flashlight
"I'm brutally honest" and "I have no filter" are polite ways of saying "I'm an asshole".
Whenever a kid has sadly died, the news reports they were bright and popular. Unlikeable stupid kids are immortal.
It's kinda nuts that a 5 billion year old thermonuclear reaction 30 million km away can burn you while you mow the lawn.
I'm glad to live in a society where seeing a woman in yoga pants is socially acceptable
If the whole Harambe situation has proven anything: We sure as hell aren't ready for Jurassic Park.
If bad luck was real, we would have weaponized it long ago. Releasing black cats into enemy camps. Dangling massive ladders under planes and flying over occupied territory. Hiding mirrors under dirt on enemy roads.
They need to make phones fully waterproof so we can start pushing people into pools again.
There should be a hotel where every floor is designed as a different popular sitcom apartment.
People who chew with their mouths open have literally no idea that there are people who daydream about brutally murdering them whenever they eat in public.
We named the other planets in our solar system after gods but named our own planet "dirt"
There are 52 weeks in a year. If we had 13 months that would fit exactly into 4 weeks per month. Why don't we have 13 months already?
I'm lucky enough to live in a country where if I hear an air raid siren I expect it to be followed by phat bass and a banging tune.
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