Interesting thoughts

Knowing how to change a tire and jumpstart a dead battery should be part of the test for a drivers license.
Now that millions of people have ditched cable for services like Netflix, millions of children are going to grow up without being (as) influenced by commercials and the news. It's a social experiment in waiting.
When people say "I'd love to be in the zombie apocalypse!" They're basically saying, "I'd love to go on a killing spree and not feel bad about it"
When I touch my girlfriend with my cold hands, I am literally taking energy from her for myself. Like a supervillain.
The reason the washing machine only eats one sock is because when it eats the whole pair I never notice.
If we had no eyes then we would be unaware of the existence of color. What if we are are missing an entire aspect of everything simply because we do not have the organ to detect it?
If humans would live up to 1000 years instead of 100 or less we would think very differently about climate change.
If you view a bald eagle at the zoo, you are looking at the American symbol of freedom in captivity.
Mave said:
Afromans 'Because I got High' taught me more accurate consequences of marijuana than anything they said in school
I have never had drugs offered to me for free as much as the campaigns in school made me believe.
It would be really weird if emotional dramas had "cry tracks" similar to sitcoms with laugh tracks.
At some point in the future, when people show pictures of their ancestors, they won't be grainy sepia photographs, they will be HD selfies from their Facebook profiles
In the future, everybody's self-driving cars will drive slowly around the block all day to avoid buying parking tickets.
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