Interesting thoughts

Owls are a major security flaw in the Harry Potter world, all you have to do is write a letter to whoever you're looking for and follow the owl.
Elementary schoolchildren who have no control over their transportation are punished more for being late than college students who own cars.
Pressing the ‘lock’ button on your car key multiple times is the grown up version of saving your game twice.
It's a wonder how not enough braille is on dog food and products. Considering the majority of the blind/visually impaired have seeing-eye dogs.
Most people's handwriting shows that doing something mindlessly a million times over does not yield improvement unless you actively try to improve.
Watching your parents flirt is by far the only childhood memory that turns from cringe to actually very wholesome as you mature and realize how much effort they put in to keep themselves together.
Wikipedia's writing has a surprisingly consistent tone considering how many people contribute to it.
Once we adequately colonize Mars, it would make a good place for nursing homes, since gravity there is lower and people with weaker muscles could move around more easily than here on Earth.
Probably the greatest feeling of relief in history was when the first people to witness a total solar eclipse saw the sun returning to normal.
Hal from Malcolm in the Middle has been arrested more times than Walter White from Breaking Bad.
Somewhere there's a piece of paper that's been in the same printer tray for years because new paper is always loaded on top of it before the paper runs out.
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