Interesting thoughts

People will swim in the ocean, even though there are corpses in it somewhere. People will not swim in a pool with a corpse in it. Humans all have a corpse:water ratio that is acceptable for them to swim in.
Everybody thought having a calculator on you at all times was gonna be a game-changer but the real shit is having a flashlight.
Considering how new €1000 phones are released every year with minor changes, it's a good thing gaming consoles don't do the exact same thing. (yet)
The international space station takes the smartest people on the planet and turns them into maintenance workers
If a sequel to a movie doesn’t have the screenwriters or directors of the first movie in it, it’s basically just a high-budget fan-fiction.
Future generations will have lots of high quality video footage of so many extinct animals.
If people stranded on deserted islands don’t clean up their ‘HELP’ signs after help finally arrives, rescuers would spend hours looking for someone who isn’t there
There is a certain point in every human's life where "How high can you count?" changes from a matter of knowledge to a matter of will.
Signing contracts with blood actually makes sense. A written signature can be forged or ambiguous, but a DNA test will always show whose signature it is.
National Parks are a reminder of what the country could’ve looked like if it weren’t for humans.
Online gaming is the only place as an adult you can talk shit to a child and no one does anything.
As an identical triplet, you are simultaneously one of the rarest and most common people on the planet.
Going to sleep without worrying about getting eaten alive by some other animal is probably the most privileged human thing.
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