Interesting thoughts

In the near future, most grandparents will be way better at video games than their grandchildren due to sheer experience.
I can do amazing drifts, jumps and other things in racing games that I couldn't do in real life. Yet driving normally and keeping the car on the right side in those games is next to impossible.
Someone should invent glasses you wear at the theatre that allows only the wearers to see subtitles.
If you go to jail for tax evasion, you're living off of taxes as a result of not paying taxes.
If fish keep declining, future generations will think “plenty of fish in the sea” is a sarcastic quip meaning they will never find anyone.
When a company offers me a better price after I cancel their subscription, they're just admitting they were overcharging me.
I wish web browsers would wait until after I've successfully logged in before asking to save a password for a website.
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