Interesting thoughts

Ironing boards are just surf boards that stopped pursuing their dreams and got a real job instead.
Eating a steak after a workout is the most savage thing ever. You're eating an animal's muscle to basically steal its strength.
I don't think we're thankful enough that the whole world agreed on the same units of time.
Somewhere in the world, there is somebody with your dream job that hates going to work everyday
I sit at work in front of a computer all day just to afford to sit at home in front of a computer all night.
If aliens come to earth, we have to explain why we made dozens of movies in which we fight and kill them
They should stop selling razors by gender and start selling them by which part of the body you are shaving. i.e. Groin razors, face razors, leg razors
Pharoahs convincing people they were gods and that taxes should go to building the world's largest fucking buildings for them to die in was the original pyramid scheme
Using solar panels to power an air conditioning unit is like using the Sun's power against itself.
At the age of 26, my expected lifetime remaining is around 63%. When I see my phones battery at 63%, I feel like its almost dead.
As a kid, I saw Gordon Ramsey as an asshole who yells at people for not being perfect. As an adult, I see Gordon Ramsey as a prime example of a person dedicated to his craft.
Buying hardcover copies of new books should come with a digital eBook code the way buying Blu-rays comes with a digital download.
There should be a game where it starts with old school graphics and as you level up it gets better and better
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