Interesting thoughts

I'm pretty sure the urinal was invented when a tall dude walked by a sink and thought "why not?".
As a kid, I thought other peoples houses smelled weird and that mine was the only one that didn't.
In the 50s people were fantasizing about robots doing all of our work, now people are terrified of it.
You never notice how much an artist swears until you hear the censored version of their songs.
If I see someone walking the street alone at night, I automatically assume they're up to something shady. If I see that same person walking with a dog, I automatically assume they're more trustworthy than an average person.
On TV, once the "bad guy" gets caught in a lie and admits it, everyone assumes they're always telling the truth suddenly.
Sending an angry text message, making a typo and then sending another one to correct your typo is the text message equivalent of storming out of the house in anger and going back inside because you forgot your keys
Whenever I see another car pulled over by the police I always feel like a gazelle watching another gazelle get mauled by a lion
No matter how old I get, I always feel like everyone older than myself is a "real" adult and I'm just faking it somehow.
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