Interesting thoughts

What the hell does a golfer do when they retire? Most people retire then take up golf.
Life is the worst videogame ever. Literally everything is DLC. It's pay2win. The devs never update, balance, or fix bugs. There is no reward system, direction, or end-goal. And on top of everything it's permadeath.
85% of the current candy market is just putting the same product in a different shape.
Telling someone they're a lucky man/woman means you probably want to fuck their SO
The first bank that ignores "banking hours" and is open 6 AM- 8 PM is going to be very successful.
The reason we are afraid of aliens abducting and harvesting humans for resources, is because that's how humans have treated anything new they have discovered themselves.
Humans spend 33.3% of their lives asleep. They spend 50% of that dreaming. That means that 16.6% percent of your life experiences never happened.
To me, mowing the lawn is a chore. To the ants, grass and other wildlife that have made a home on my property, I am a destroyer of worlds, wielding a terrifying death machine.
We have automatic sliding doors everywhere except where they would be most useful: bathroom entrances.
Calling a woman a bitch is typically done to signify how cruel and heartless she is, but calling a man a bitch is done to show weakness and/or fearfulness.
I'm more surprised when I see a 15yr old car on the road in good shape then when I see a 40yr old car on the road in good shape.
As much as I hate the phrase, I would like to see a YOLO bumper sticker on a Hearse.
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