Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,137 Location Belgium Apr 27, 2016 #781 Steve Jobs dying early is a fitting metaphor for his attitude to his company's battery life
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,137 Location Belgium Apr 27, 2016 #782 If you could pause time, there would be no way to measure "how long" it was paused for.
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,137 Location Belgium Apr 27, 2016 #783 iPhone's "Recently Deleted" Album Should Require a Passcode
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,137 Location Belgium Apr 27, 2016 #784 Gifs are just normal pictures in the Harry Potter Universe
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,137 Location Belgium Apr 27, 2016 #785 Google should have a GIF search in addition to its images search
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,137 Location Belgium Apr 27, 2016 #786 You know you're not a kid anymore when you see a dessert and think "That looks too sweet".
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,137 Location Belgium May 3, 2016 #787 My phone, remote, and even smoke detector can warn me of a low battery but my car doesn't have a fucking clue.
My phone, remote, and even smoke detector can warn me of a low battery but my car doesn't have a fucking clue.
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,137 Location Belgium May 3, 2016 #788 Given that Deadpool is aware he is in a comic/movie, the best commentary track for the BluRay would be Deadpool watching his own movie.
Given that Deadpool is aware he is in a comic/movie, the best commentary track for the BluRay would be Deadpool watching his own movie.
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,137 Location Belgium May 3, 2016 #789 Food doesn't really go 'bad' something just starts eating it before you do.
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,137 Location Belgium May 3, 2016 #790 Condoms are one of the most environmentally friendly things invented by man. A single one has the potential to eliminate the carbon emissions of an entire human over the course of their lifetime.
Condoms are one of the most environmentally friendly things invented by man. A single one has the potential to eliminate the carbon emissions of an entire human over the course of their lifetime.
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,137 Location Belgium May 3, 2016 #791 The most suspicious thing you can bring on an airplane is a parachute
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,137 Location Belgium May 3, 2016 #792 I wonder how many amazing songs have been made by completely unknown musicians and will be never heard
I wonder how many amazing songs have been made by completely unknown musicians and will be never heard
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,137 Location Belgium May 3, 2016 #793 Being attracted to women or men who wear glasses is the one fetish for the disabled that is socially acceptable
Being attracted to women or men who wear glasses is the one fetish for the disabled that is socially acceptable
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,137 Location Belgium May 3, 2016 #794 Kids of the future will think the emergency number 911 was because of 9/11
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,137 Location Belgium May 3, 2016 #795 Humans have a fear of aliens coming to Earth with superior technology and killing everyone but that's exactly what happened to the Native Americans.
Humans have a fear of aliens coming to Earth with superior technology and killing everyone but that's exactly what happened to the Native Americans.
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,137 Location Belgium May 3, 2016 #796 Knocking on the door of an introvert is like tapping on the glass of a fish tank
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,137 Location Belgium May 3, 2016 #797 Call of Duty games will continue to progress through history until the point at which we're basically playing Halo
Call of Duty games will continue to progress through history until the point at which we're basically playing Halo
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,137 Location Belgium May 3, 2016 #798 You may have accidentally set a random, bizarre world record but didn't realize it
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,137 Location Belgium May 3, 2016 #799 Time is said to heal all wounds, but it also literally kills everyone and everything.
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,137 Location Belgium May 3, 2016 #800 It would be really convenient if my eyes could use "Ctrl+f" to search for things.