Interesting thoughts

We used to be able to pause our video games but not pause our TV. Now we can pause our tv shows but can't pause our games
Your body is made of cells, which are made of atoms, which are made of quarks and electrons, which are just vibrations in energy field. Your entire existence is based on vibration. You are a vibrator.
The difference between being cute and creepy is directly correlated with how attractive you are to the other person.
Even though I am well aware that it's just fiction, I can't help being annoyed by the fact that a pair of glasses is all that protects Superman's identity.
Instead of "you are not connected to the internet", laptops should really say "i am not connected to the internet"
I wish I could wipe current thoughts from my mind like I can close running apps on my phone.
If you stay up all night and sleep all day, maybe you were meant to live on the other side of the planet.
What if the only reason you can't pass through a mirror is because you are blocking yourself?
I base my purchases almost solely on user reviews, but I never review products myself.
If an actor I admire turns out to be completely detestable IRL, I should actually be even more impressed with his acting skills.
When a website doesn't work with Internet Explorer, I blame IE. When it doesn't work with Google Chrome, I blame the website.
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