Interesting thoughts

The phrase "This place makes me want to kill myself" would probably be a compliment to a funeral director showing off his coffins.
If our criminal justice system worked properly then ex-convicts would not be regarded as "dangerous" or "unqualified to work" instead as enlightened members of society who have learned an important life lesson
One day in the future going to the moon will become that boring science class field trip that everybody has to take in high school.
Europeans may have introduced Smallpox and decimated Native Americans, but Native Americans introduced Europeans to tobacco, killing many more over the subsequent 500 years. Well played, Natives.
Mad Max would have avoided a lot of trouble over several movies had he just invested in a sand colored tarp to cover his car.
The dog park is the only place on Earth where you can pick up girls with a steaming bag of shit in your hand.
If my last name was Pepper, I would feel inclined to complete a doctorates degree.
Sometimes when I rewatch a movie I watched as a kid I relize that I had no clue what was happening when I first saw it.
Google Map Street View should archive their images so they can eventually have a "Time Travel" mode.
Film trailers show so much these days that they're basically a moving picture version of TL;DR
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