What's your homepage?

Bumping because I'm curious what our current members use as homepage.

I'm still, after 9 years, using https://forums.themavesite.com/index.php?action=unread;all;start=0
Still using Google. Been considering making own homepage but goddamn I'm lazy at everything.
Mauri said:
Still using Google. Been considering making own homepage but goddamn I'm lazy at everything.
Reading this and seeing your avatar is the perfect match.
I've just been using Chrome's default homepage (Google). I did set TMD as homepage on my old laptop but it isn't good when you are at work and you open a new tab or whatever and they see that, makes me look bad. :c
I go straight to email. https://inbox.google.com/
I do have a small folder marked "start" on my bookmark bar, that I always almost open immediately. It contains TMS, Reddit, Youtube, and Twitter.
Stybar said:
I go straight to email. https://inbox.google.com/
I do have a small folder marked "start" on my bookmark bar, that I always almost open immediately. It contains TMS, Reddit, Youtube, and Twitter.
What.. This looks actually better than the Gmail layout.
Works better too. It automatically sorts your mails based on what Google thinks is in them. And it allows you to "snooze" mails.
Example: receiving a bill by email. You need to pay it, but you're at work. You can click "remind me later", and Inbox will notify you later on, saying you have new mails (which is the old mail, but it shows up as "new")
Stybar said:
Works better too. It automatically sorts your mails based on what Google thinks is in them. And it allows you to "snooze" mails.
Example: receiving a bill by email. You need to pay it, but you're at work. You can click "remind me later", and Inbox will notify you later on, saying you have new mails (which is the old mail, but it shows up as "new")
I like that snooze feature, will give this a try.
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