Interesting thoughts

If Sheldon Cooper was a real person and watched Big Bang Theory. He would most probably think it was awful.
Technically, the heaviest person in the world is the most attractive person in the world due to gravity.
Watching a graduation ceremony is like sitting through a movie that consists entirely out of end credits.
It's actually an honor to get stung by a bee. It hates you so much, that it's willing to die just to cause you a mild amount of pain.
Having your favorite band come visit you in the hospital is a good sign that you're fucked.
Really simple paintings like plain white canvases that sell for millions of dollars could probably just be the mafia discretely transferring money.
When you live in an apartment building you are relying on dozens of other people to not burn down your house.
You can't judge a book by its cover, but you can judge a YouTuber by their video thumbnails.
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