Interesting thoughts

Superheroes don't make your city safer. All they end up doing is attracting a never-ending series of freaky super-villains.
There’s so many talented people we will never hear of because of their lack of confidence
Hide and seek is a seemingly innocent game when in reality we are teaching our children the skills needed to survive if they are being hunted.
Having your video suddenly change from poor quality to high quality is the digital equivalent of your ears popping and being able to hear.
There is nothing better than realizing, right after you wake up, that you won't have to face repercussions for the terrible choices you made in your dream.
For most of human history, Vehicles had automatic collision avoidance and could even take you home when you were sleeping or drunk. Then we got rid of the horse.
Similar to how we colorize black and white photos, future generations will have to strip Instagram filters to see how images really look like.
If car drivers were connected by voicechat if would probably be even way more toxic than voicechats in online games.
Feeling the urge to pee the moment you lie down in bed is the human equivalent of attemptig to shut down a computer with applications still running.
It must be really hard for an honest person in Nigeria to order anything over the internet.
We are all masters at spelling on the computer, until someone is standing behind you watching you type.
The super-rich have fast cars, private jets, many large homes, exclusive designer fashion, live-in chefs, original artworks, and the same phone as you.
Raising a kid is like programming Al. They'll do and believe whatever you want until they start to become self-aware.
There is no physical evidence to say that today is Wednesday, we all just have to trust that someone has kept count since the first one ever.
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