Interesting thoughts

15 years ago, "phone" referred to your home phone and you had to say "cell phone" to clarify your mobile device. Now "phone" refers to mobile and you have to say "home phone" to clarify your house phone
It's 2018 and Windows still doesn't directly let you know which program is using your USB when safe eject doesn't work
At home it's weird for two people to eat two different things for dinner but at a restaurant it's weird to order the same thing.
It's interesting how the human body can give birth to other human bodies, but cannot regenerate organs or critical body parts for itself.
If you have a Wikipedia page, you've either succeeded in life, or colossally fucked up.
A computer program that starts working only after you open the task manager is the equivalent of an employee only doing his job when his boss is around.
People who put plastic covers on their furniture are making it not look nice in an attempt to keep it looking nice.
Closing all your tabs when you're finished writing an essay is like running a victory lap.
You know you've made a significant contribution to literature, music, or film when the title of your work has been parodied into a porno.
For 25 years now, we have known that velociraptors can open doors and we have taken ZERO precautionary measures.
If you try to sing an auto-tuned song, you putting more effort into singing than the artist.
If you drive a new car, you are rich. If you drive an old car, you are poor. If you drive a super old car, you are super rich.
There are two types of hotel guests in the world: those who ask when tomorrow’s breakfast begins, and those who ask when it ends.
Being a surgeon is like being a mechanic except you have to fix the car while the engine is running
The worst feeling is when you catch up to a TV show and you have to wait a whole week for the next episode like a mortal.
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