Essential / Interesting YouTube channels

That was awesome. The old guy was a scumbag though, tried to cheat his way out of the game even.
That's what makes it so good :D The slow decline from "let's do this" to "damn, he's actually good", to "what is happening", to "shit shit shit shit shit gotta fix this" is amazing.
New iDubbbs doc is out:

It's a good one. Weird, wild, and highly interesting.
New iDubbbs doc is out:

It's a good one. Weird, wild, and highly interesting.

I only saw the first 8 minutes, but this video is already freakin' weird man :D

This h3h3 podcast with Oliver Tree is hilarious, love them "attack" each-other.

A lot of drama going on between DarkViperAU, MoistCritikal, and Ethan from h3h3. It all started with DVAU writing a 14 page essay on how fair use isn't fair at all.

He even posted an update:

I kinda understand where he's coming from, it seemd that DVAU basically said that people like Charlie are scum. I'd be pissed off as well.
He even posted an update:

I kinda understand where he's coming from, it seemd that DVAU basically said that people like Charlie are scum. I'd be pissed off as well.

Well yeah, I side with him and h3h3, even though I like DVAU as a streamer I didn't approve of his 24 page "essay".
Comparing reaction videos with people getting drugged at parties, lmao.
Why am I always obsessed with North Korea videos? I'm on my fourth NK video of the evening.

ThatWasEpic is so awesome, here's him giving away 24k of skateboard equipment at several skate parks.
The skating community itself is so humble, I love it.

One of my favorite "oh, I'll just quickly watch this" channels: Telepurte. You might've seen some of this stuff fly by on reddit or twitter. It's nothing but short animation clips, in 2020 and this year, even one clip per day. The clips are only a few seconds long, between 5 to 30 seconds, but the quality is top-notch. They're extremely cool to see, but some of them get dangerously into horny-bait territories. And I mean that in the very best way possible.

Stuff like this:

But, then there's also stuff that takes the piss out of it's own horniness. Like this:

...and sometimes it just gets too real, man :(

Very cool channel to just watch daily, when waiting for something for a few seconds.
Used to be subscribed to Veritasium on my old youtube account, today I accidentally stumbled upon him and subbed again. Great science videos!

Fucking hell, what spite can do for a motherfucker.

Idubbbz just posted the official announcement for his boxing event. This whole story started years back, I suppose with the Ricegum Content Cop video. For those who don't know, Idubbbz blasted Ricegum for a solid 30 minutes, and ever since the two of them had beef. Well, I say "beef", it's more like "Ricegum keeps insulting Ian, and Ian keeps calling Ricegum an idiot". But, eventually, Ricegum actually challenged Ian to a boxing match. Ian declined, because what the fuck, and Ricegum kept calling him a pussy. Eventually, Ricegum took the weird step to contact Ian's wife, to tell him to reply.

But, Ricegum wanted his buddy DramaAlert to setup the whole event, which Ian absolutely declined. He started setting up the event himself, finding promoters and organizers by himself. Of course, Ricegum immediately flaked out.

So, now the shoe was on the other foot. Ian kept calling Ricegum out, but the pussy kept declining. So, now Ian continued with the event, but just with other people. He amassed a large group of other content creators, and is putting up a massive event with 10 other fights besides his own, all with big creator names. He himself will be boxing Doctor Mike, who is apparently a big boxer himself, but also someone in a similar weightclass who was able, and willing to do it for charity. Other fights include (these are just the channels that I know myself, there are more):

- Arin Hanson, aka Egoraptor
- Epic Meal Time's Harley
- The Super Mega boys
- Alex Ernst
- I Did A Thing
- TheOdd1sOut
- Michael Reeves

And people have managed to find out more names, although they're not officially confirmed:

- Anything4Views
- Esfand
- Someone called "Erik", which I assume is Internet Comment Etiquette

So yeah, this whole thing is set up out of spite, because Ricegum kept pestering Ian. Amazing.

The orginal video where Ian calls out Ricegum:

The announcement video:
^ I vaguely remember the Ricegum boxing thing. So glad iDubbbz is hosting his own format. Fuck DramaAlert, I hate Keemstar.
iDubbbz really looks hyped in the video, would be amazing if he'd win.
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