The Official GTA Online TMS PC Crew | General Discussion Thread

The casino heists are still really profitable even without the percentage glitch.
Made +1 million with Sty with the gold loot.
Well, last week was +25% bonus loot, and the cuts of the gunman/driver/hacker were halved, so the final take would be bigger... Still, it's viable, I expect, if you do it enough. It's by far the best way to make money, if you look at the amount of $/hour.
Well, last week was +25% bonus loot, and the cuts of the gunman/driver/hacker were halved, so the final take would be bigger... Still, it's viable, I expect, if you do it enough. It's by far the best way to make money, if you look at the amount of $/hour.
I'm guessing you double posted because the forum derped?
Wait, so you're only duplicating 6 bars of gold? That's not that much of a increase in payout, is it?
They still got max payout though, which without glitching isn't possible.
Yeah, but it's still a lot less efficient than the old glitch, which basically gave you double.
I'm sticking to the legit way, I think. Less of a hassle, and not that much less of a payout.
Yeah, but it's still a lot less efficient than the old glitch, which basically gave you double.
I'm sticking to the legit way, I think. Less of a hassle, and not that much less of a payout.
True that. Hopefully we'll see another efficient glitch in the near future.
Probably with the next big content update... There was a glitch that allowed you to get $5000 per 15 seconds, but it was highly risky as (supposedly) Rockstar was aware and was banning/wiping people who used the exploit.
Guys we need to do a casino heist ASAP

Can't believe I never did this before with the Faggio. Bike formation boost.
All you need is to be part of the same bike gang, and have one fast bike up front, then the other slower bikes (in this case a Faggio) can cruise at the same speed.

I'd be down to do this tonight.

So, I just blew through about 9mil in about 30 minutes. But, I've got a nice new Yacht, ready for the new missions, and I've managed to finish my JDM garage (Elegy Retro, Jester Classic, Blista Kanjo, Sultan Classic, 190Z, Penumbra FF).

Now to grind the casino heist again until I'm back up to 10mil, which is my minimum safety net.
So, I just blew through about 9mil in about 30 minutes. But, I've got a nice new Yacht, ready for the new missions, and I've managed to finish my JDM garage (Elegy Retro, Jester Classic, Blista Kanjo, Sultan Classic, 190Z, Penumbra FF).

Now to grind the casino heist again until I'm back up to 10mil, which is my minimum safety net.
Had to google what JDM was (Japanese Domestic Market).
I'm gonna wait for Broughy's reviews of the cars.

Hopefully able to play soon, but pretty busy at work, home late the entire week and then still have to eat.
So since I still have a ton of holidays left I'm definitely going to take the 16th off. Anyone care to join?
Update is releasing on the 15th in the afternoon.
I won't have the day off, but I'm working from home anyway. I'll join you in the afternoon, then?
I won't have the day off, but I'm working from home anyway. I'll join you in the afternoon, then?
Great! I'll be home in the afternoon and will be able to play until the DLC is completely finished for sure :D
Hopefully not! That would mean the DLC is ridiculously short :D
So the first run with Mauri was kind of a disaster, we didn't know what to do at the control tower and the heli was super op.
Fortunately we now know what to do at the radio tower, and we know that we definitely need to do more setup missions.

Also this approach looks cool as well: (instead of using the sub)

Yeah, I'm thinking to just wait for a guide to come out, detailing the setups and scope points and what they do.
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