Would you guys buy this terrace heater?
Why infrared? Apparently infrared doesn't heat the space, but the next object/person blocking the waves.
Why am I not 100% convinced? The company is really small, like few hundred Instagram followers, almost no Facebook followers, website looks amateurish.
The reviews on bol.com are pretty good though.
Alternative would be buying this one:
However it's 60 euros more expensive, and has no review. The website does look more professional though.
Come to think of it, they look like they're the same hardware pretty much..
Why infrared? Apparently infrared doesn't heat the space, but the next object/person blocking the waves.
Why am I not 100% convinced? The company is really small, like few hundred Instagram followers, almost no Facebook followers, website looks amateurish.
VOLT! Industries: waar jij wél op zit te wachten, kijk nu!
VOLT! industries: Alles waar mannen op zitten te wachten. Cool, vet, lomp en in your face! Gruwelijke producten en lijpe content. Check VOLT! Industries nu.

The reviews on bol.com are pretty good though.

VOLT! i-Red 3000W Wifi - Terrasverwarmer - Infrarood Heater Energiebesparend -... | bol
VOLT! i-Red 3000W Wifi - Terrasverwarmer - Infrarood Heater Energiebesparend - Infrarood Verwarming met appbesturing - Donkerstraler - Blackheater -...

Alternative would be buying this one:

Quality Heating - heaters elektrisch - infrarood verwarming - terrasverwarmer hangend... | bol
Quality Heating - heaters elektrisch - infrarood verwarming - terrasverwarmer hangend - terrasverwarmer elektrisch - afstandsbediening - Caleo - Wifi -...

However it's 60 euros more expensive, and has no review. The website does look more professional though.

Infrarood terrasheater Caleo Wifi met afstandsbediening
Infrarood terrasheater Caleo Wifi met afstandsbediening kopen? De specialisten van Elektrische-Verwarming.nl staan voor je klaar!
Come to think of it, they look like they're the same hardware pretty much..