[Serious] Hunting


TMS Founder
I'll get down to the main question;

What does everyone think about killing animals for fun/pleasure?

Personally I'm against, I don't even seen the fun in hunting down some poor animal with a group of people (sometimes accompanied by horses and dogs).

Re: Hunting

I really believe an animal should only be killed for food and every last piece of that animal should be used, like the skin used for a dog bed (sheeps skin is good for dogs) , the bones/scraps for the dog to eat and the good food to be eaten and not wasted. Killing an animal for a recreational purpose... is stupid, you kill the animal, waste all the food, so you can have a animal head hang on your wall...
Re: Hunting

Do keep in mind that there are several types of hunting. The main 2 groups of hunting are "hunting for pleasure" and "hunting to decrease the amount of animal X".
Re: Hunting

Impulse said:
Do keep in mind that there are several types of hunting. The main 2 groups of hunting are "hunting for pleasure" and "hunting to decrease the amount of animal X".
Indeed, sometimes airports hire falconers to get rid of pidgeons. They hunt so that planes won't crash due to a bird in the engine, and the flock will move away (no longer dying because of planes) because the falcon scares the living crap out of them.
Re: Hunting

I hate hunting. Hate it. Very cruel imo.

If an animal population needs to be decreased, shoot the animals with tranquilizer, then later put them down in a less harmful way.
Re: Hunting

Impulse said:
and "hunting to decrease the amount of animal X".

Correct. Hunting permits are dispensed in well thought out numbers. Because foreign animals - such as the white tailed deer here in New Brunswick - have been introduced without any predators to such a richly supplying environment they multiply like rabbits. They are also more and more moving in from rural areas to more suburban areas. This presents a massive risk of motor vehicle accidents. I know a lot of people who've hit deer - including one on a motorcycle - and the results are never pretty.

Anyway, regardless of Impulse's point, I think a lot of you are a little misled as to what hunting is. What do you think we do with them? Shoot them and walk away? All of the meat is eaten, sometimes including the brain, eyes and heart; and the hide is stripped off and sold to vendors who deal with them. We as hunters are trained to kill an animal as quickly and painlessly as possible. By law, if we shoot an animal and don't kill it, we have to track the animal to the best of our ability and ensure it's taken out of its misery.

And while on the subject of misery, I detest anyone who eats meat from the grocery store and is against hunting. Just because it's all nicely bundled up for you doesn't mean it was spawned in a particle generator. Have you seen the shit they do to these animals during the duration of their life? Have you seen how they kill them? Here, let me do a search for you:


The first video looks decent.
Re: Hunting

Austin said:
And while on the subject of misery, I detest anyone who eats meat from the grocery store and is against hunting.

At least in (most) of those cases, the animals don't know anything other than where they're kept for their lives. Families of animals probably get nervous to even walk around in their natural habitat where they've lived peacefully for so long, but then suddenly one of their own gets killed by hunters, and the rest are petrified.

I'm against it largely because most of the stupid fucking hunters just do it because WE'RE OUT HURR SHOOTIN' THINGS WITH OUR COOL GUNZ. All the fucking rednecks who do it for fun just piss me off. Some amazing animals are endangered because the hunters shoot at the first thing they see and don't give a shit what it is as long as it ends up dead. Makes them feel manly and dominant.

For (over)population control, it's a good thing, provided it's not carried out by a bunch of retarded drunk rednecks.
Re: Hunting

Families of animals probably get nervous to even walk around in their natural habitat where they've lived peacefully for so long, but then suddenly one of their own gets killed by hunters, and the rest are petrified.

In their natural habitat, they are killed by other predictors, such as mountain cats. The wilderness isn't a peaceful magical place where Disney characters jump around blissfully. It's life.

Animals in non-natural mass-producing plants gets their nuts and feet torn off at will while having their heads constantly smashed in. I choose the former.

GPow69 said:

I have never been hunting with people who sound or think anything like that. There might be kids who think it's cool to grab a gun from their parents closet and jump out in the woods shooting at trees. There's no way in hell they're going to get major game like that, there's a reason we go through all the trouble of building things like tree stands. They're not just there to look cool.
Re: Hunting

Austin said:
I have never been hunting with people who sound or think anything like that. There might be kids who think it's cool to grab a gun from their parents closet and jump out in the woods shooting at trees. There's no way in hell they're going to get major game like that, there's a reason we go through all the trouble of building things like tree stands. They're not just there to look cool.

Your personal experiences don't reflect absolutely everyone, remember :P
Whether you agree or not, the fact is that these people totally do exist.

Austin said:
In their natural habitat, they are killed by other predictors, such as mountain cats. The wilderness isn't a peaceful magical place where Disney characters jump around blissfully. It's life.

They've probably got their own ways to tell if a predator is in the area. Since humans outsmart all their senses, it's kind of an unfair advantage, and they don't even know what happened when one of them gets shot.
Re: Hunting

There is a regular hunting here, like once a year. (Hah that rhymes!)
They hunt down mostly wild pigs because there is a TON of them. Tranquilizer? If you pay for the transport and show them where to bring them, sure.
As far as I know they put the bodies up in a line and measure the distance.
Re: Hunting

GPow69 said:
They've probably got their own ways to tell if a predator is in the area. Since humans outsmart all their senses, it's kind of an unfair advantage, and they don't even know what happened when one of them gets shot.

Yeah. The same senses we do, with massive deviations of course. Which is why I seriously doubt people like this:


could find a deer. Especially in the midst of shooting trees.

Anyway, state your place. I presume your pro-mass-production and against hunting?
Re: Hunting

Austin said:
Anyway, state your place. I presume your pro-mass-production and against hunting?

Yep. Just my opinion. It's how I was brought up, can't help that :P
Re: Hunting

Saying "let's torture animals!" because "hunting is an unfair advantage" seems a little barbaric, especially considering that mass-production, in my eyes, is probably the biggest unfair advantage imaginable.

Ops, I dropped this again, which you've failed to mention.

GPow69 said:
It's how I was brought up, can't help that :P

I'm not sure if that was a joke, but it's a little something called free will. Where would we be if we always followed in the footsteps of our parents? We wouldn't have even evolved.
Re: Hunting

Austin said:
I'm not sure if that was a joke, but it's a little something called free will. Where would we be if we always followed in the footsteps of our parents? We wouldn't have even evolved.
It's the opinion my parents have, and I continue agree with it. That doesn't make you any more correct than me, since it's opinion.

Austin said:
Ops, I dropped this again, which you've failed to mention.
I'm not watching that, because I don't want to. HEY LOOK, I'M USING FREE WILL! :E
Re: Hunting

You are extremely ignorant. Anyway, everything's been said (except your comeback to me calling you ignorant). What does everybody else think?
Re: Hunting

I think hunting for food, and other resources is fine. Things like Poultry farms are something most people on Earth depend on. I don't know if I approve of the video you posted.. The people there obviously don't care about animal's rights/feelings which I guess is why they are hired. Something definitely needs to be done to those slaughter houses. I would love to shop at organic based meat markets if it was affordable and near by. But they're not, so tough luck. I won't travel 50 miles to get some meat.

I don't understand why people won't watch those videos; if you do watch them, you are better informed and actually know what's going on. Especially if you're against it you will be motivated and know what your cause is.
Re: Hunting

Austin said:
You are extremely ignorant. Anyway, everything's been said (except your comeback to me calling you ignorant). What does everybody else think?

Wat. I completely accept your right to your opinion, Just saying personally I don't think (morally) hunting is "right" in most cases (You seem to think my views are WRONG AND NOTHING BUT BULLSHIT RAWR >:L). If ignorance is involved here, your thought of my opinion is that it's ignorant, however I am not, since I'm just defending my side. You're calling me ignorant because the subject is something you're VERY supportive of, so you're getting very defensive, a bit too much imo.
It's not a discussion when you start calling other people out.. Before that, we were just expressing both sides, the way a discussion should be. Once the flaming shows up it turns from a discussion into an argument.
Re: Hunting

Hunting for sport, in my opinion isn't right. If you kill something, it should be for food, or to make sure the environment is taken care of (Overpopulation is a large issue). It's a natural cycle of life, like Austin said, if we don't kill them, other larger animals will. For the most part when we kill, we use bullets or arrows/bolts (Others use traps, clubs, or spears, some even knives but the majority use projectiles) which is much faster and generally much less painless depending on where the projectile strikes, opposed to being battered, bitten, scratched and thrown about like a rag doll by predators within the same habitat. And GP, no one who hunts goes about running through the woods shooting at anything they see, it's a lengthy process usually to get a hunting license and gun license, and even in some states that don't require either, there is still general discipline. If park authorities, police, or wild life conservations caught wind of someone just taking pot shots at any living creature, it's almost no different than shooting at humans, you will be arrested, charged, guns seized and probably face jail time, not necessarily because you were shooting at animals, but because of your disregard for fire arm discipline and safety. Hunting is a natural thing that has existed since the beginning of time, the only difference between then and now, is now we have guns.
Re: Hunting

GPow69 said:
Wat. I completely accept your right to your opinion, Just saying personally I don't think (morally) hunting is "right" in most cases (You seem to think my views are WRONG AND NOTHING BUT BULLSHIT RAWR >:L). If ignorance is involved here, your thought of my opinion is that it's ignorant, however I am not, since I'm just defending my side. You're calling me ignorant because the subject is something you're VERY supportive of, so you're getting very defensive, a bit too much imo.
It's not a discussion when you start calling other people out.. Before that, we were just expressing both sides, the way a discussion should be. Once the flaming shows up it turns from a discussion into an argument.

Damn right I'm getting defensive. It's not that I don't respect others' opinions, it's that your not willing to look at another's point of view.

Which by that I mean:
I myself have weighed both sides quite evenly, and given you respectable arguments on the "for" partition of the argument.
You've simply suggested you strongly disagree with my opinion without so much as a lick of thought or, if you have given it thought, a lick of argumentable fact on your side on the debate.

My argument: Mass production of meat is torture in every sense of the word. We as humans are meat eaters (unless your vegetarian/vegan, in which case I have the up most respect for you standing up for what you believe in in a way that makes sense [eat what you sow]) as you well know from your time spent in grocery stores. If you want meat, why would you rather eat a tortured animal than one you know you put down as humanely as possible? If you don't like the prospect of field dressing, well that's okay, but don't say hunting is evil because it's too gross for you. Ignorance is bliss; when you see nicely packaged meat, you don't realize the torture the animal had been put through. We are animals and just like mountain cats, we have the option of gathering our food the way nature intended it. Nature also gave us one advantage - considering we are physically retarded - which would be superior intelligence above the rest of our brethren. This includes the ability to makes tools to help us achieve what we need and gives us the freedom of deciding what's right and what's wrong.

Your argument: I was raised this way. Shooting animals is evil and should never be considered an option above grocery.

Your argument is lacking depth and doesn't weight any arguments. It is, in the proper definition of the word, ignorance. Actually fairly weigh the grocery vs hunting arguments for me, please.
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