Interesting thoughts

If there was an STD that decreased the size of male genitalia, nobody would think twice about wearing a condom ever again.
The first man who gave a colorful sparkly stone to a girl really had no idea what he was getting the rest of us into.
Nothing will have you questioning your taste in music quite like putting your whole library on shuffle.
There must be some overweight people who have the most amazing facial bone structure and the perfect jawline but they don't know about it because they have always been overweight.
Saying there are no aliens in the universe is like scooping a cup of water out of the ocean and saying there is no fish.
When a tree or other object is giving you shade, it is the only thing for 92 million miles between you and the sun.
One of the most bittersweet feelings has to be when you realise how much you're going to miss a moment, while you're still living it.
Imagine how much scarier elephants would be if they had a mouth at the end of their trunks.
Sending an angry text message, making a typo and then sending another one to correct your typo is the text message equivalent of storming out of the house in anger and going back inside because you forgot your keys
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