Discussion GTA VI Speculation & Discussion Thread (Post-Announcement)


TMS Founder
Can we appreciate Jason Schreier for being the ONLY person telling us correct information about GTA VI?! Jason doesn't miss.

The Take 2 earnings call yesterday. (https://edge.media-server.com/mmc/p/ejn3rjbo/)
Most important take-aways:
  • Release most likely calendar year 2024, or early 2025 (They are "reiterating" prior projections for the next fiscal year)
  • They gave a shoutout to FiveM and are "excited to help them in the future".
Then they also spoke about how GTA V and GTA:O continue to surpass sales expectations, mentioned the Sam Houser statement,..
I still believe this is our female voice actress: Alexandra Cristina Echavarri Lecároz

Remember; her resume got leaked a while ago:


She now updated it to this:

Hopefully we'll be seeing some sort of info today, maybe:
  • New Rockstar logo color change
  • Screenshots
  • GTA VI logo
They could do something every Wednesday until the trailer, that'd be neat.
Most likely release for the game? Summer 2024.

  • T2 are projecting $8 billion in revenue for fiscal 2025.
  • Their most recent fiscal year earned them $5.5 billion in revenue.
  • The difference is $2.5 billion dollars.
  • Fiscal year for 2025 ends March 2025.
Some people are claiming a 2025 release date, but netting 2.5 billion dollars in <3 months seems very unlikely.
Thus we need to deduct a reasonable amount of time to earn $2.5 billion from March 2025. Realistically this would put the release in Summer of 2024.

But what about delays?

Well T2 has told their investors on multiple occasions about the $8 billion in revenue for fiscal 2025. Postponing the release, and not hitting this target, would be really bad for their stock. Something they absolutely want to avoid.

The culture at Rockstar Games also has been completely shifted, and crunch has been minimised. (Instead of working 75 hour weeks for months like on RDR2).
This should give a way better prediction of when the game is done, it might also be the reason why we haven't heard anything for so long, they wanted to make sure they're on target.
Insanely minor detail, but still gonna share this one:

Rockstar Games' official website received an update, new Rockstar logo animation looks interesting.


Today would be a perfect day to start the trailer countdown.
We’ll know for sure at 16:00. (52mins)
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