Whatever happened to the Burnout series?

I guess you could say they... burned out?


I liked Paradise. It was a lot of fun, if a bit tedious. The open world really helped with the massive amount of chaos you could create.
Only Burnout game I played was Paradise, it was good fun for a while, that's all I can say about it honestly.

NFS was far more my thing than this series.
Mauri said:
Only Burnout game I played was Paradise, it was good fun for a while, that's all I can say about it honestly.

NFS was far more my thing than this series.

Then you have to wonder.. Is it better to die out like Burnout? Or to become a much worse game than the originals (NSFU and NFSU2).
Haven't played the latest NFS yet, as it hasn't been cracked yet.
I would say yes. Series to die before it becomes shit would be more of a blessing than series eventually dying because of developers shooing players away by making series more shittier by every release. That's something what's happening to NFS now imo.
Mauri said:
I would say yes. Series to die before it becomes shit would be more of a blessing than series eventually dying because of developers shooing players away by making series more shittier by every release. That's something what's happening to NFS now imo.
It leaves you with a better memory that's for sure. If you only remember the good games of a series (because they stopped in time), you'll never look back on it negatively.
With NFS however..
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