What do you hate?

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ThePro said:
i hate people like andy and andre (the [UK]AdrenalineX owners)

Why do you hate them?

I hate Rapidshare's limit of 2.66 gigabyte a day
Mave said:
I hate Rapidshare's limit of 2.66 gigabyte a day

I hate Rapidshare's limit, wait before download, wait after download for new download, then the before download wait again. hell, i just hate rapidshare :woot:
ThePro said:
Mave said:
ThePro said:
i hate people like andy and andre (the [UK]AdrenalineX owners)

Why do you hate them?

they banned me for no reason, than robbed my name and started cheating with my name

awww... the bastards :angry3:

GPow69 said:
Mave said:
I hate Rapidshare's limit of 2.66 gigabyte a day

I hate Rapidshare's limit, wait before download, wait after download for new download, then the before download wait again. hell, i just hate rapidshare :woot:

Premium account ftw
One of these should work

(pro is also using this)

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Dont share with too much pple, I payed this :p
Mave gives pro a cookie :love:


On topic :

I hate Invalid rar files
I dont hate Disturbed

I hate AC/DC

I hate Aerosmith

I hate Led Zepplin

I hate my computer

I hate stupidness

I hate idiots on the web (tomtom, Adam, Spidah)
I hate it that some topics get left alone, get no attention at all, 0 views, 0 replies :cry3:
I hate not having Snow Days when we should :doh4:

[Offtopic] Mave, make that board where the lonley topics get recognised [/Offtopic]
GPow69 said:
I hate not having Snow Days when we should :doh4:

[Offtopic] Mave, make that board where the lonley topics get recognised [/Offtopic]

how lol? The only thing you guys have to do , is open up boards :p and not just post in the 'last post by .... in ... ' topic :p

But have a look inside the boards, for example, open up Pictures, then you see there is a topic with 0 replies/views :p
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