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Trivium - The Sin And The Sentence

As a nice extra, the bandmembers took to Twitch when the pandemic broke out, and have been pretty successful there. In particular the lead singer, Matt Heafy, has been streaming his practicing, which basically turns into some sort of mini live concert from his studio. The timing comes out perfectly with my working hours, so it's been a great background track for the past few months :D
Trivium - The Sin And The Sentence

As a nice extra, the bandmembers took to Twitch when the pandemic broke out, and have been pretty successful there. In particular the lead singer, Matt Heafy, has been streaming his practicing, which basically turns into some sort of mini live concert from his studio. The timing comes out perfectly with my working hours, so it's been a great background track for the past few months :biggrin:

Good for them! Hopefully it compensates the loss of income somehow.
And that drummer is fucking good.

Odyssey - Going Back To My Roots

New album coming September 2022 :D Can't wait!

Blind Guardian - Deliver Us From Evil
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