Welcome to the TMS SA-MP server


TMS Founder
Welcome to the TMS SA-MP server

After almost 10 years (2008) it's about time TMS got back to it's roots!
This is why we're relaunching a SA-MP server after 9 years.

Silvester will use his magic and code the entire gamemode! Jstylezzz has replaced Silvester as of March 2018
Donald deserves some credit because he's the one that set everything up on the VPS!
I myself will provide the server with new fresh maps, but will also be bringing back the classics we all know from SU, XSU, SAFE, SFSF, and SFSFv2!

Since TMS is turning 10 on 08/08/2018, that day would be a nice deadline.
However I'm quite positive this server will never be "finished" as we'll always be updating scripts and maps!

Nowadays every stunt server is pretty much like this:
  • You fly across the maps because there are "boosts" and "launchers" everywhere -> Thus pretty much ruining the concept of stunting
  • Every map is riddled with tubes like an insane maze -> There's not much that makes a map unique
The TMS Server will try to provide you with that classic stunt server feeling, whilst taking full advantage of the newest scripting and mapping possibilities.
The server will NEVER
  • Have "boosts" or any other form of artificially speeding up your vehicle by pressing a key or entering a command
  • Contain maps that can't be differentiated. (every map will try to have a unique style)
So what's the main goal? Nostalgia. Re-living the glory days of SA-MP and TMS.

The server is not public yet since everything is far from finished. You can however follow it's progress by taking a peak every now and then!
  • Install GTA San Andreas
  • Install SA-MP 0.3.7
  • Add server.tms.sx to your favorites
  • When prompted enter the password "tms"
Thanks for finally making the board public, Mave; now we can broaden our list of testers :biggrin:

Please report any map-related bug to Mave and anything else directly to me for now. We are in a very early phase of the gamemode and there are certainly many issues, we will try to address them as soon as possible to ensure a smooth gameplay; as smooth as it gets for what we have right now :smile3:

We'll be waiting for you all on the server!
/aa is 99% finished now. There’s a whole new section on the upper platform. All feedback is welcome.
Just need to do the finishing touches and improve the future /aajump. Then I can move on to the next stunt area. (either Chilliad or SFair)
Scripting progress will keep being slow for the next couple of weeks as I am still in my finals period. Any bugs encountered and reported will still be fixed as soon as time allows, though, so please let me know of anything game-breaking if it exists :smile3:
Fresh teleports!


Brought back from the dead:

/grotto (improved)

More coming soon!
/chilliad has been added!
Just need to change the vehicle colors and add some bikes.
New textdraw as of today!

Happy to announce that /sf is -for now- completed. (will update map on test server later tonight)
Next stop: /sfair
After /slide and /xslide I have decided to create a third slide that will blow the first two away.
So far I have this:


Like always it'll be a loop (start and finish will be the same) so you'll be able to keep going. This is going to be the biggest one yet without a doubt.
/sfair, sfjump, aajump, qjump were all added this morning!
(/sfair vehicles still need better colors, same for /sf now that I think about it)
HipHop station has been fixed, url was suddenly dead.
/ls, /sf, lv are now /lscity, sfcity, lvcity and are teleports in the middle of the city, in the CITIES category. /sf is the stuntpark at jizzy's.
Started working on a Sky Derby map this morning.
Goal is to have a minigame where you push players off a map in the sky while avoiding being rammed down yourself.
hello everyone! don't know if any of you will remember me or not but I was an admin on SAFE nearly a decade ago, then I was on world of stunting until it closed its doors for good in 2011. I recently had a really vivid dream about playing sa-fe with you guys, it certainly brought back memories enough to jump on here and see how things are doing! If I get a second, I'll get gta sa installed and check it out! how active is sa-mp now nearly a decade later?
Brosch91 said:
hello everyone! don't know if any of you will remember me or not but I was an admin on SAFE nearly a decade ago, then I was on world of stunting until it closed its doors for good in 2011. I recently had a really vivid dream about playing sa-fe with you guys, it certainly brought back memories enough to jump on here and see how things are doing! If I get a second, I'll get gta sa installed and check it out! how active is sa-mp now nearly a decade later?
Hey Brosch! Hope you're doing okay.
SA-MP still rolls in 10-20k daily (although that includes a LOT of Russians). The TMS server will be finished around August and is expected to start growing then.
Have you ever thought about making a FiveM server for Grand Theft Auto V? I have no idea the logistics of doing so but it looks like a promising modern alternative to SA-MP. If not, I hope for the best and for a great return for TMS. Even if you will be mainly serving russians on the server, so you might need russian-speaking admins/mods. Best of luck Mave, I was actually really happy to see that your community/website still exists man!
Brosch91 said:
Have you ever thought about making a FiveM server for Grand Theft Auto V? I have no idea the logistics of doing so but it looks like a promising modern alternative to SA-MP. If not, I hope for the best and for a great return for TMS. Even if you will be mainly serving russians on the server, so you might need russian-speaking admins/mods. Best of luck Mave, I was actually really happy to see that your community/website still exists man!
Donald fiddled around with FiveM a few months ago but it turned out to be really complex, as opposed to SA-MP. Never say never though.
And makes me happy to read man, TMS ain't going nowhere :D
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