TMS has moved to a new host


TMS Founder
Today I have moved TMS again to shared hosting. The reason being that I wanted a fancy panel again.
An unmanaged linux VPS with no user interface whatsoever was nothing for me.

Now as you can see we are not running TMS' theme yet.
The theme is broken bigtime, but meanwhile you can enjoy Curve2.0, the default SMF forum theme.

If the forum is broken for you, do the following;
  • Clear your browser's cache, history, etc
  • Control Shift R reload the page

Any bugs regarding the forum should be reported here.

Bugs so far:
EDIT: View my other replies.

Sorry for the inconvenience. :sir:
Issue #1 fixed
The forum now uses instead of
Issue #4 fixed
Videos are auto-embedded again (if you post a youtube link, it will show the video.
EDIT: Fixed the vimeo bug as well.
Other minor issues fixed
Think I'm pretty much done with 'repairing' the forum
If you spot stuff I haven't fixed, let me know though.
EDIT: Fixing the favicon icon.
I believe all issues are fixed now (just fixed some minor ones).
If you encounter any bugs, let me know here though.
Panki said:
If whois is correct, HOSTGATOR.
ThePro won't like this, good host so far though.
+ I have a VPS complete backup, so we can change hosts again if we have to, in a matter of minutes.
ThePro said:

No, seriously, I was worried about the limited processes, but it doesn't seem to be affecting :|

Idd, things are actually smoother now.
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