The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Discussion Thread

Started new game with Breton by the way, and removed my old save (lvl 30 Imperal). Gonna make battlemage, or something like that. At the moment I'm level 11. :D

How about sticking this thread btw?
Even though here isn't that much discussion anymore ;_;
Nice Mauri :D
@Sticky: Let's see how the thread goes for a day, and I'll decide tomorrow.

Nimphiouus said:
Haven't played in a while, but going to reset my game, I feel bad for cheating :l
Oh Nimph... Feelsbatman.jpg is just one of the downsides of cheating.

I wonder why

I'm a level 36 High Elf, highest levels are Smithing, Sneaking, One-Handed, Archery & Enchanting.

I want my Dragon Armour dammit.

Also, on the topic of Skyrim... I'm going to teach myself the Dragon Language, for fun, I suppose. Then I can swear at people in Dovah and they won't know what the hell I'm saying.
Is this sad?
Being a werewolf is suffering. But I gotta make those Companion guests and then cure myself. And after that I was planning to become a vampire. :D
but what can you do with it actually? (besides kicking it around and laughing about SPAAAAAACE)
Stybar said:
but what can you do with it actually? (besides kicking it around and laughing about SPAAAAAACE)

Only that I guess. And selling it might be possible as well. Downloading that mod at the moment and I try to find it. :D

Also there is possibility that Valve will make more that kind of mods later, because of that "Vol 1" in a mod title.
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