The collection that shouldn't be a collection at all


TMS Founder
Sadly this is starting to become the norm.




Don't forget about Forsaken.

Also, it's my conviction that these kind of things are largely the fault of the publishers, not the devs. I'm sure that Jedi Survivor would've been great if it got at least another month of work done. But instead, even the console versions are... rough. Which is a pity, because apparently the game itself is really good. But of course, publishers start forcing fucking Denuvo into it, and are probably telling devs to release the game earlier to hit that quarterly checkpoint, and then the game does shit because duh, and then the devs get the blame.

I guarantee that at the next EA meeting, something like "sales of Jedi sucked, it's because nobody likes singleplayer games anymore".
Don't forget about Forsaken.

Also, it's my conviction that these kind of things are largely the fault of the publishers, not the devs. I'm sure that Jedi Survivor would've been great if it got at least another month of work done. But instead, even the console versions are... rough. Which is a pity, because apparently the game itself is really good. But of course, publishers start forcing fucking Denuvo into it, and are probably telling devs to release the game earlier to hit that quarterly checkpoint, and then the game does shit because duh, and then the devs get the blame.

I guarantee that at the next EA meeting, something like "sales of Jedi sucked, it's because nobody likes singleplayer games anymore".
Goddamn publishers, they're so out of touch.
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