Series: General Discussion


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Thanks to Stybar pointing out that we didn't have a dedicated thread for this yet.

Series: General Discussion Thread

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Dedicated TV-Series threads:
Breaking Bad
The Simpsons

So I just started watching Dexter (two episodes in)
IMDB score was 9/10 so I thought it was worth checking out.
Still have to get "into it" though. Right now I'm not a huge fan yet.
Well, you might all already know it, but if you didn't you know it now: Futurama has ended. Again.

Last episode was fun to watch, a worthy and definitive ending, although I feel the other character got less attention than they deserved. I would've loved more Bender, or more Zoidberg.

Another series I'm currently watching is Nichijou (anime), which is just random shit happening all the time in a school. The trick is watching it not serious or stoned off your ass, because it makes no sense. At all.
The last time Futurama ended I was disappointed, but now it has ended again, and I have to be honest: I haven't watched it since it's back on air.

That Nichijou stuff sounds fun, but I don't like anime :/

Started downloading The Fringe today, heard a lot of good stuff, will watch it when I'm back from holidays.
Started Criminal Minds, It's pretty good for a cop drama.
I always liked Criminal Minds. Not that I downloaded every season and watched in one go, but I don't change channels when it comes on.
I also enjoyed Castle and The Mentalist, although it can be said for both series that it has gone on for long enough now.

For people interested in a serious police series, check out Midsommer Murders. British cop show, more than 15 seasons long, yet every episode is new and original. Great lead by Neil Dudgeon.
a friend asked me to download Criminal Minds for her so i decided to check it out and it was very much worth watching
New season of Legend of Korra has begun! Already watched the first two episodes, it's pretty good.
Sleepy Hollow started today, can't wait to watch it later
Can't believe Breaking Bad only has two episodes left.
Won't find another series as good as that one soon..
^I know the feeling, dexters series final is monday and its just this sad thing since i've been watching it week by week since maybe episode 3 or 4 season 1
Nitronic said:
^I know the feeling, dexters series final is monday and its just this sad thing since i've been watching it week by week since maybe episode 3 or 4 season 1
I heard that Season 8 was kind of a let down though (only at S2 atm)

Panki said:
Two and a Half Men is the SHIT while stoned yo.
Is it better or worse post-Charlie Sheen?
Mave said:
Panki said:
Two and a Half Men is the SHIT while stoned yo.
Is it better or worse post-Charlie Sheen?
I liked it better with Mr. Cokehead. Ashton Kutcher isn't bad, but Sheen just had that extra douchy feel. Most favorite seasons are the ones where Jake is already a bit grown, the shit he does when nearly 16 is hilarious when, as Panki pointed out, stoned off your balls.
Stybar said:
Mave said:
Panki said:
Two and a Half Men is the SHIT while stoned yo.
Is it better or worse post-Charlie Sheen?
I liked it better with Mr. Cokehead. Ashton Kutcher isn't bad, but Sheen just had that extra douchy feel. Most favorite seasons are the ones where Jake is already a bit grown, the shit he does when nearly 16 is hilarious when, as Panki pointed out, stoned off your balls.

Alright, I'll check it out.

Currently downloading CSI Miami seasons 6-10 (1-5 aren't available in HD)
Say what you want about it, I always liked it.
Damn this is disappointing (currently watching S3)

Dexter ratings on IMDB for every season:
Just finished watching the last Breaking Bad episode... The end of an era.
Perhaps it's good they stopped before it would possibly become boring or too long.
I haven't finished it yet, but I think I'll agree.
How I Met Your Mother has started another season, a season I think should have been season 6. I mean, 9 seasons? Damn son, that's just too many.
Same with That 70's Show, the eighth season was just one too much.
Oh, and for those who don't know it yet, Legend of Korra is back!

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, LoK is the spin-off of Avatar: the Last Airbender. If you've accidentally watched the movie, go scrub your eyes with bleach and watch the series, like you should.
The Last Airbender is a fairly childish series, especially in the beginning. However, it gets heavier and more serious as you advance into the later series. Plus bonus Mark Hamill as evil overlord!

Legend of Korra is a bit more... adult. Sure, it still has some funny moments and comic reliefs almost every 20 seconds, but the plot is more advanced, the scenes are darker, and the ending of the first season? Jeez, not exactly child friendly.

Just go watch it, it's one of the best cartoons I've seen.
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