SA-MP Market - no more


TMS Founder
Dear SA-MP market users and other people.

This morning I received the following email from the SA-MP team.


...rather then us resorting to legal notices

I decided to accept their request of take-down of the SA-MP Market.

I'm sorry for all inconvenience that you people may suffer from, but this is my website and I decided to avoid a lawsuit, or whatever they mean with 'legal notices'.

- Mave (SA-MP Market founder)
No, there's no "legal actions" to this, Mave. SA-MP is a FREE mod using a FREE scripting language. In the SA-MP forum alone they let people script for others for money. Modifications of GTA SA? It's a script OF a free modification which people work hard on and those who want to buy it, can purchase. It is the SAME thing as scripting for money, which is allowed in SA-MP forum, so they can't say any of that bullshit.

It's a threat, Mave. They know the market is growing and they don't want people there because that's where most of the wrongly banned SA-MP users go to. Don't believe in them.
Seif said:
No, there's no "legal actions" to this, Mave. SA-MP is a FREE mod using a FREE scripting language. In the SA-MP forum alone they let people script for others for money. Modifications of GTA SA? It's a script OF a free modification which people work hard on and those who want to buy it, can purchase. It is the SAME thing as scripting for money, which is allowed in SA-MP forum, so they can't say any of that bullshit.

It's a threat, Mave. They know the market is growing and they don't want people there because that's where most of the wrongly banned SA-MP users go to. Don't believe in them.

About that scripting for money thing you mentioned, you're completely right, Many put "Scripting for $" inside their signatures, and nothing happens.
Exactly. Hosting servers is also not for free. + Kye also made the Hosted tab so Woet can make MORE money. So Kye tells Market to shut down because people are making money out of GTA SA but SA-MP isn't with their "scripting for money" and hostings? Kye is one power hungry mother fucker. He's just trying to scare you, Mave, nothing will happen.
Well I'm sorry Seif, but I already closed it down, feel free to host your own though.
The reason Kye even sent the mail is very well known to anyone who has some brains. Although it might be true that no modification of GTA:SA can be distributed for a fee, but this sure doesn't apply to SA-MP scripts. Because the modification to GTA:SA in this case is SA-MP, which is free. Scripts for SA-MP on the other hand, the EULA just doesn't apply to SA-MP scripts.

(i) Ideas expressed in this software by way of coding or configuration are property of
Do you know that Valhalla's SA-MP server was removed from the master list because they introduced an ID system to their MTA system to ease up player identifications? That's exactly what Kye did, I didn't have a single idea that identification by numbers is the property of

Decided to avoid a lawsuit? Good for you, but there won't be a lawsuit against anyone. SA-MP team is not backed by any legal advice by anyone as far as I know, and as far as I can remember they have denied any help. The legal notices would be contacting your host with DMCA complaints, and yeah, your host would take it down for sure once they're e-mailed by anyone.

Farewell SA-MP market, was a good community. Perhaps some of its conversations can be routed to here, such as the SA-MP related ones.

Yeah, they were bluffing. :troll:
1. Get offshore hosting.
2. Get the domain off Mave.
3. ?????
Well, sorry to hear that, Mave.
But I looked at the email and it doesn't seem really legit... But w/e...
I will be re-opening the market soon. When it's done, I'll be announcing it. Give me a day or two.
I know a hoster that is offshore and allows nulled scripts :D

and its only 3 bucks a month for unlimited disk/bandwidth/etc.

And trust me, it seems like 3 bucks for all that sounds really bad hosting, but Its good. I have a forums if you want to see it.
Fuck Kye in the ass, seriously. In conjunction with this, he deleted the sa-mp russian forums, and all topics relating to the removal because some Russian friends posted the hidden, but native and ineffective serial functions he made.

Fuck. You. Kye.
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