Recommend me a new phone


United States
So I have a chance of getting a new phone, but I don't really know what to get.

Atm I have a HTC HD2, and I at least want an upgrade from that. It has a single core 1GHz processor with ~350mb RAM and a 4.3" screen.

I have considered:
HTC Inspire 4G
Sony Xperia Play

Any other ones I should consider? Also it must be Android and under $300.
I'd say go for the HTC if you haven't had any difficulties with your old HTC.
^ I would get it if it had Android :(

Alright guys, now I'm stuck between Samsung Infuse 4G and HTC Inspire 4G.

Infuse is newer and better than Inspire, but a tad expensive.
Aman1238 said:
^ I would get it if it had Android :(

Alright guys, now I'm stuck between Samsung Infuse 4G and HTC Inspire 4G.

Infuse is newer and better than Inspire, but a tad expensive.


What do you need to use the phone for?

calling & texting? get a nokia 3315.
Aman1238 said:
^ I would get it if it had Android :(

Alright guys, now I'm stuck between Samsung Infuse 4G and HTC Inspire 4G.

Infuse is newer and better than Inspire, but a tad expensive.

Personally I'd go for the HTC.
Samsung is frikken awesome. I just got a galaxy s2, it's awesome, although a bit expensive (500€)...
Damn, I was hoping to get the Samsung Infuse, but it won't work with the 4G network my company has even if its unlocked..

So I found LG g2x
It has a slightly smaller screen but a good processor. I'm still worried about the battery life on that one.
But thanks everyone for the help.

EDIT: I found a 1800mAH battery for the LG g2x here
It seems like a good deal after that battery.
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