People Of Walmart


Well-Known Member

In most cities across America, Walmart has replaced Main Street as the place people go to do their shopping and mingle with each other. But what is it about Walmart that brings out the—how do I say this delicately?—fashion-challenged freaks. I am talking about people who cover themselves in cheetah-print garb or worse, Easter eggs and bunnies. They are a tiny sliver of the people who go Walmart, but they are fascinating in a human train wreck kind of way. You want to avert your eyes, but you can’t stop looking.

A satirical site called People of Walmart now lets you stare to your heart’s content without actually stepping inside a Walmart store. People can submit photos of the strangest people they encounter in Walmart. As the site’s About section explains:

Let’s face it; we all have seen the people who obviously don’t have mirrors and/or family and friends to lock them in a basement, and they all seem to congregate at Walmart.

Below are a few choice pictures from the site. Sometimes the cars are even better (yes, that is a spoiler on that clunker). People of Walmart, don’t ever change. Except for the woman wearing the swastika sweatshirt. She should definitely change.




Tough To See Past All Of This Awesomeness
Wouldn’t you like to know what I plan on doing with this beer and olive oil?


Tough Guy

Do you see the flame shoes buddy? That means I will not think twice about karate chopping you!


Pants Are Optional

AHH! I love the frozen food section…….it tingles.
Mud Butt

I REALLY hope that isn’t what I think it is…

Wow, didn't know WallMart was like that, or at least the people who go there.
We don't have them here in Belgium.
It's a funny site, Though when they goto take pics, they have to ask for permission :X so some may be fake....
All the people that show some skin are fat, i demand HAWT PEOPLE.

But isn't that the realism of it, Everyone in wal-mart can't be hot, Otherwise it would be fake.
Walmart is actually a good store, I got this wireless mouse made by Microsoft, which came with loads of features including an alt-tab alternative, a zoom tool and tons more, and I can set the button bindings for the mouse to whatever :thumbsup:

Got it for $25.00
Original price was $65.99

Fucking WIN.
After taking a close look at it, the site isn't that big yet, it's "only" 21 pages of images.
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