OpenAI destroyed itself in a single weekend


TMS Founder
Let me sum it up here:
  • Microsoft owned 49% of OpenAI and invested a few billion dollars.
  • However they had zero control of the company, making the investment look dodgy
  • Then, in one on the most significant business blunders in history.... The OpenAI board gave Microsoft a gift.
  • The OpeanAI CEO, and 670 loyal employees who will follow their CEO. (670 of the 770 employees want to follow their CEO)
  • Microsoft now has OpenAI in-house for $0 incremental OpenAI investment.

And now Altman is back as CEO at OpenAI, and the board is being remade, without the members who wanted him out in the first place.

Man, C-level politics is really something else, huh?
And now Altman is back as CEO at OpenAI, and the board is being remade, without the members who wanted him out in the first place.

Man, C-level politics is really something else, huh?
What a rollercoaster that was.
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