Minecraft sells its 100.000th copy

If it's his hobby, he shouldn't be expecting money from it :tongue:. At least that's what I think what hobbies are for, having fun doing it, expecting nothing.
You can come on the server I started and then sent to Aman (So we could connect cause nobody can connect to me >.<)

It's pretty epic. Right next to the spawn there's a giant like.. hovering mountain and there's an elevator up to the top of it and a waterfall that you can ride down, and now we just discovered a big cave system and made a room completely surrounded by lava and water :3

It seems whenever I start a game on my PC, the world is fucking awesome. There's always like a massive cave or something really interesting right next to the spawn o.O
GPow69 said:
Hm well they have a large team of people working on multiple things at once, and it's their job. This is a hobby for Notch.
I think your logic is backfiring a little here.
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