Interesting thoughts

No 'how I made a million dollars' books include the author starting their journey to wealth by reading a book about how to make a million dollars.
"Would you rather crash on a friend's couch or the freeway?" would be a good campaign slogan against drinking and driving.
The Google self-driving car should have an "I'm Feeling Lucky" button that drives you to a random location.
Facebook shares are just the new "Fw: Fw: fw: Fw: Fw:" of stupid images and jokes
Having a toddler is like being on a permanent escort mission: A low AI character tries to follow you around, and if you're not careful enough, they'll find a way to kill themselves.
Dora calls herself an "explorer," but travels exclusively through mapped territories
Cowboys that ride off into the sunset quickly run out of daylight and have to camp just outside of town. Probably should've just stayed put for the night instead of being all dramatic.
Cellphones should have 2 passwords for unlock, one which would be for you and unrestricted.. the other would be for you parents/friends that wouldn't show awkward applications/photos
You know you're an adult when your house makes noises and you're scared it's an expensive repair bill and not a monster.
I drive safer when there's food on my passenger seat than when there's a person sitting there.
A bald, hairy man should probably shampoo his body and use body wash soap on his head.
Thanks to the Internet, I have probably seen more naked ladies than all of my ancestors combined.
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