"Hitler wasn’t all bad," 42% of Austrians say


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"Hitler wasn’t all bad," 42% of Austrians say


Over 40 per cent of Austrians believe the Hitler era wasn’t ‘all bad’, according to the latest poll conducted by the Linz Market Institute.

The survey was carried out ahead of the 75th anniversary of the country’s annexation by the Nazi Germany, the Anschluss, and included 502 people.

Fifty-seven per cent of respondents believed that "there was nothing positive about the Hitler era".

However, 61 per cent of respondents indicated that they wanted a "strong leader" at the head of Austria.

That was in fact more than in previous polls, the newspaper Der Standard reported. A similar survey in 2008 found just a fifth of Austrians could imagine having "a strong leader who does not have to worry about a parliament or elections."

Also, 54 per cent – most of them young and well-educated - were of the opinion that if there was no legislation prohibiting the neo-Nazi parties, they would succeed in elections.

Older participants in the survey strictly opposed the idea, which, according to historians, is logical.

"It's a normal process that topics are no longer considered hot after two or three generations," Oliver Rathkolb at the University of Vienna told Der Standard.

Finally, 61 per cent indicated that they thought the country’s Nazi past had been adequately dealt with, while 39 per cent disagreed with that statement.

The opinions remain similarly divided when it comes to the compensation of Nazi victims. 57 per cent of respondents thought that "the victims of this injustice or their descendants have been adequately compensated", whereas 42 per cent believed that wasn’t the case.

On March 12, 1938, Hitler’s troops entered Austria, and were welcomed by many who supported his ideology at the time. In the latest poll, 53 per cent thought the Anschluss was voluntary and 46 per cent saw Austria as a victim of the unification.

As for the present political situation in the country, right-wing nationalist parties have often triumphed in Austria, even since World War II. In January, the leader of Vienna’s Jewish Community said the number of anti-Semitic incidents reported to his office had doubled in the previous year.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center regularly grades Austria among its lowest-scoring countries in terms of prosecuting Nazi war criminals.

Source: http://rt.com/news/nazis-austria-hitler-poll-052/
Just another article to get viewers / readers. This is how the TV & Newspaper work nowdays.

A little Example.
Austrians said in Jannuary that the tourism was so bad this year. (TV)
2 Weeks ago, I've been reading that theres a huge plus in tourism. (Newspaper)
Fucking decide how it is, bad or good, or just fucking SHUT. THE FUCk. UP.
Or another really, really bad article in the News show on ORF2 which was about the building industry, where you already knew from the beginning on that this is another article just to gain viewers. Oh god.

To the article...

How is this a professional article if you only ask 502 People?
The Article never said what was the exact phrasing of the option that 42% of Austrians voted for. And it's rt.com's article.
The questioning was rather badly done, because it asked only the 2 extremes.

The 2 choices:
  • Not everything was bad when Hitler had the power
  • There was nothing good about the time of the Third Reich at all

Its a huge Problem that it was not specified exactly what was better or worse, and/or which answers were valid.
(Article of DerStandart: http://derstandard.at/1362107918471/Umfrage-42-Prozent-sagen-Unter-Hitler-war-nicht-alles-schlecht (in Austrian))

"Do you think not everything was bad under Hitler?" Come on! Bad guys often do good things. Asking such questions is just a way to entrap a whole group of people and make them seem racist. Obviously if you have an agenda to push it's a good strategy. Why not ask them on a yes/no basis instead whether they agree with Nazism or even do they find Nazism morally reprehensible. Then you might get a different answer.

Damn Guys, if you ask a stupid question, you get a stupid answer. There are SO MANY awful polls out there, like THIS one. How people can spend that kind of money and not take three seconds to come up with a decently worded question is beyond me. Obviously these people seem to have an agenda, but even when there isn't one you find lots of fail.
What a joke. Hitler has been dead 70 years.
But hey, awesome way how to make this little Country look so bad, haha, and make people stay away from it, like I've been reading on many comments. ;P
No wonder so many Mayors quited while the last weeks, so much shit is fucked up right now here in Austria, government-sided.

Edit2: And yes, this fucks me up a bit as austrian.
I'd love to know who is responsible for this "hype". And I'd love to tell them my fucking opinion about this BULLSHIT.
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