Help Building my PC!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys!

I'd like to spend max. 1.100€ on a new gaming & video editing rig, but i need help of you guys, since I don't know really much about computers.
I know some basic stuff, but thats all. Thats why I'm asking here now.

I've used to build this, because its the cheapest Shop in Austria, I guess.
And i don't want to buy every part in a different store, thats also another reason I'm building it there.

Please tell me what i can do better, what things i should change. Is the balance between the CPU and GPU okay, or will the CPU overkill my GPU :T
Also come up with a totally different build, if you think that this one doesn't make sense at all!
I don't care if it is Intel, AMD, ATI, Nvidia, i just want a build "which suits my needs", and it should also be a bit Futureproof, if thats possible. :<

Thats what I got atm...

Thanks in advance, guys!
So i switched to mindfactory...


Best build you can get for that money atm.
Well it's under your budget, I say go for it, and donate what you save to TMS. (just kidding about that last part)
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