Germany's federal states with their literal meanings


TMS Founder
Mave, an average German won't get this.
It's taken from the literal meaning of prefixes, suffixes and word roots in languages that aren't really spoken anymore.
Also, I find it funny that Bavarians would be warriors. Is that after you steal their beer?
Panki said:
Stybar said:
Panki said:
luggi said:
Warrior People == Best People.
Lol bavarian scum learn to speak fucking german or become your own country, bavaria is fucking disgusting.
I sense hostilities
We need a new wall. Around Bavaria this time.
This is how I see you after saying this:


REMOVE BAVARIA remove bavaria you are worst bavaria. you are the bavaria idiot you are the bavaria smell. return to munich. to our austria cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bavaria we will never forgeve you. scheisse rascal FUck but fuck asshole bavarian stink saar saar bier bier..munich massacre best day of my life. take a bath of dead austrian..ahahahahahBAVARIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 . russia we occupy the moscow, russia return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot bavarian and polish smell so i can smell it. REMOVE BAVARIA FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. germany+austria+france+england=kill bavaria…you will ww2/ kaiser alive in germany, kaiser making album of germany . fast rap kaiser germany. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of kaiser… you are ppoor stink bavarian… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
:: interlude ::
panki alive numbr one #1 in germany ….fuck the bavaria ,..FUCKk ashol bavarian no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and state. dr. mengele aliv and real strong wizard kill all the bavaria farm aminal with auschwitz magic now we the german rule .ape of the zoo franz ferdinand fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bavaria wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. deutschland greattst countrey
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