I'm sure he'll be back soon. Right?
Still didn't soften the blow by a whole lot. WE ALL TOOK HIM FOR GRANTEDThis really shouldn't be a surprise - he announced it way back in September or so.
And, IIRC, he's not putting a complete stop, just a long break from making main channel videos. He still has several other channels that he's working on/with.
Lots of youtuber quit/changed pace.Still didn't soften the blow by a whole lot. WE ALL TOOK HIM FOR GRANTED
Lots of youtuber quit/changed pace.
But most importantly:
The ending got me, not gonna lie
I'm an adult and will not giggle
I'm an adult and will not giggle
I'm an adult and will not giggle
I'm an adult and will not giggle
US Army E-Girls aren't real, they can't hurt you. They're not-
US Army E-Girls aren't real, they can't hurt you. They're not-
Got stuck in a rabbithole about Nazis and Atlantis. This vid sums it up pretty nicely. It's an... interesting 20 minutes.
(tl:dw: Himmler believed that the Aryans were descendants from Atlanteans, and were therefor destined to rule the earth. He spent tons of resources trying to prove that claim, culminating in a desperate search for Mjolnir, to use as a weapon against the Allies)
Goddamn these chucklefucks were insane. I know it's obvious, since they're Nazis, but goddamn.
Someone said it best: "they would be quite amusing, were it not for the atrocities they committed."