General chit-chat

"Lactose the intolerant"

Fantastic caption of Nigel Farage (Party leader of Reform UK, Brexit is all thank to him) getting milkshaked in Essex.

I will admit, that is a great throw.
And props to the cameraman, excellent timing.
In all seriousness: why the fuck do celebrities drive drunk? The "too expensive" argument makes no sense.
Intelligence is not a key factor in becoming rich/famous. Being full of yourself, however, is.
Now this could be very interesting.

On Monday, Circuit Judge Luis Delgado ordered the 16-year-old documents released, writing that "details in the record will be outrageous to decent people".

Convicted in 2008 for soliciting prostitution from a minor, Epstein had moved in social circles that included key figures in the world of business and politics. Those figures included people like former presidents Donald Trump and Bill Clinton to celebrities and even Prince Andrew.

Trump's gonna be in here for sure.

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