First letter of your username

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There are many people who eat FeaR's Cookies!
Why? Maybe because they're hungry?

No, seriously, if you don't care, why do you shout like a crazy bitch?
Panki said:
No, seriously, if you don't care, why do you shout like a crazy bitch?
If your dumbass didn't notice I was kidding, you can go ahead and 'eat my cookies', as you would like to say, mabye that will fill your hunger, too bad your parents don't feed you.
1+ Cookie to FeaR , since you all are so mean to him! Just let him be , ev0lution or hu ever started this has to be responsable of how OFFTOPIC this went . Now let´s talk about NAMEZ
Modern said:
1+ Cookie to FeaR , since you all are so mean to him! Just let him be

I suppose you aren't aware of his lengthy history with things Mave is involved in. (And stuff Mave ISN'T involved with)
I REALLY want to stop this, however this will be the LAST thing i add;

Modern said:
1+ Cookie to FeaR , since you all are so mean to him!
-1 Cookie.

Modern, If you haven't been paying attention to some ALL of his posts, Then you'd recognize he's a smart ass idiot that has nothing to do except argue and flame like an idiot on a forum he's been banned 2+ times on.

Definition: MEAN
hateful: characterized by malice; "a hateful thing to do"; "in a mean mood"
Posts of FeaR that attach HIM to this definition:

If your dumbass didn't notice I was kidding
Uh.. do you know how lame and unnecessary that was? I said I don't care about forum karma, you retard.
I don't give a shit about some bullshit forum karma
I think Evolution is just a fail word.
People were so right about you, you retarded aussie faggot. Go continue giving kaiser his hourly blowjob and maybe one day he'll unban you, fuckin faggot.

He had another account with probably 200+ Flaming/Idiotic posts however it got banned and deleted and he also has about 50 flaming messages on the shoutbox (Look for yourself)

Every other post is either idiotic, flaming, or contains the word "faggot" at least once, Now who's
Modern said:
so mean to him
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