Did you know?


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Did you know that...

...it is impossible to lick your own elbow.

...grab's heart is in it's head.

...200 000 ostriches we're followed for 80 years and not one put it's head in the ground.

...In U.S.A, someone sues another person or company for something every 30 seconds.

...pigs can not look at the sky.

...50% of people have never talked on a phone.

...rats and horses can not vomit.

...A powerful sneeze can break your the ribs. Stopping a sneeze can cause the blood vessel in your neck to burst and can be fatal. If you can keep your eyes open while you sneeze, your eyeball may come out.

...rats' populations' are increasing so quickly that in 18 months two rats could have over a million descendants.

...The electric chair inventor was a dentist.

...The lighter was invented before the match.

...100% of lottery winners gain weight after the victory.

...The average human eats 70 flying insects and 10 spiders while sleeping in his/her whole lifetime.

...most lipstick contains fish scales.

...cat's pee glows in black light (disco light).

...A hummingbird weighs less than a dime.

And for last:

...75% of people who read this whole thing tried to lick his/her own elbow.
Funny, lol xD

> I cleaned up spelling and grammar in the post as best I could :|
Thanks :) I knew that I make some mistakes, I'm bad translating Finnish text to English :x

I really tried to lick my own elbow hahahahahaha omg man this was awesome !

Cookie for you

Anyways I'm a part of the 25% who actually didn't lick their elbow.
Andre said:

Anyways I'm a part of the 25% who actually didn't lick their elbow.
I already knew it so why would I try it again xD
Tried it before though
Nice post
Nice facts, some of them were posted before, but I enjoyed the ones that weren't :)
Mauri said:
...The average human eats 70 flying insects and 10 spiders while sleeping in his/her whole lifetime.

The average chocolate bar contains 10 insect legs in it O_O
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