Bandle - A daily music game

Bandle #608 4/6
Found: 43/44 (97.7%)
Current Streak: 0 (max 15)
Bandle #609 2/6
Found: 44/45 (97.8%)
Current Streak: 1 (max 15)
Bandle #610 2/6
Found: 45/46 (97.8%)
Current Streak: 2 (max 15)

My fucking headphones glitched out and I missed the first 2 seconds of the drumline :( recognized it instantly on the second hint.
Bandle #611 3/6
Found: 46/47 (97.9%)
Current Streak: 3 (max 15)
Bandle #612 6/6
Found: 47/48 (97.9%)
Current Streak: 4 (max 15)
Bandle #613 6/6
Found: 48/49 (98%)
Current Streak: 5 (max 15)

Hint came in clutch.

Funnily enough, I did recognize the song - but only the first few seconds. Not the part that was on display here.
Bandle #614 6/6
Found: 49/50 (98%)
Current Streak: 6 (max 15)
Bandle #615 2/6
Found: 50/51 (98%)
Current Streak: 7 (max 15)
Bandle #616 1/6
Found: 51/52 (98.1%)
Current Streak: 8 (max 15)
Bandle #617 4/6
Found: 52/53 (98.1%)
Current Streak: 9 (max 15)

Surprising, how much melody that voice brings to the song.
Bandle #619 3/6
Found: 54/55 (98.2%)
Current Streak: 11 (max 15)

I will never not call Led Zeppelin "Loop Zoop"
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