Anon is an expert in tomfoolery


TMS Founder

>get a call from random number
>"Greetings, am I speaking to mister anon?"
>"We would like to inform you about a new offer for your mobile plan" etc etc
>wait until they finish
>"I'm sorry I couldn't quite hear you"
>they are forced to repeat it
>do this for about 4 times
>finally say "Sorry, I am not interested."
>hang up
"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't have a mobile phone."
"B-but we can also offer you a great deal on internet-"
"Don't have internet either"
"Your landline-"
"Nope. Who uses a landline, anyway?"
"... Then how am I calling you, sir?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't have a mobile phone."
"B-but we can also offer you a great deal on internet-"
"Don't have internet either"
"Your landline-"
"Nope. Who uses a landline, anyway?"
"... Then how am I calling you, sir?"

I'd imagine the telemarketer just staring in the distance for 2 minutes after that phone call. Then getting called out by his boss and calling the next victim.
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