[Advice]Sound System


Yeah, groupsex seems to be the way to go
So, I just got my paycheck from my work, and I want to buy a nice sound installation for my dorm. I'm talking about simple surround systems like this.
Also, I have 4 speakers laying around, all working, but I need an amplifier to make them work. But then I wouldn't have a subwoofer :(
Should I buy a new system with sub, or should I invest in a amp without sub?
My budget is 150€, any advice?
PS, my knowledge of speakers and sound systems is not that great, so be gentle please.
Is there no way to connect those speakers to a simple surround system you would buy?
I myself do not have a subwoofer, but I have huge speakers and an amplifier, it's great but you have to REALLY turn up the volume until there's some bass.
You want the subwoofer man, I'm telling you.

I have that speaker system you linked too and honestly it's great. But you just can't have it without the sub. You can't have any music without the sub.

So get a subwoofer.
SovareZza said:
You want the subwoofer man, I'm telling you.
I know, I like bass D:
question: is it possible to hook up the extra boxes to the system instead of the normal boxes? the ones I got are a bit more powerfull (60W), so I don't know if it's possible...
Sorry for the double post.
I have decided, and bought this. Expensive, but worth it. 500W make my eardrums scream for mercy.
Thanks for the advice!
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