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  1. K


    Yeah i was about to cry i thought you were gonna be gone forever and evers
  2. K

    New Mario Bros. Movie Trailer

    Thats soo awesome! i would Love to play that if it was a real GTA mod!
  3. K

    Women are good for 70 things...

  4. K


    I have actually had a Kitty named sputnik So and im the the Good new usa. But really nice to meet you, Napalm It is awesome to see someone that i agree with! Gpow was also the person that brought me to tms soo welcome
  5. K

    Insert Coin Stop-motion

    Why are you such a skeptic gpow~
  6. K

    A Drop of Water at 10,000FPS

    Not ugh mircea there super dupper awesome! I told you, Now you gotta take care of my Alots and theres a lot of them.
  7. K

    [Serious] Should Cannabis be illegal, or legal?

    Re: Should Cannabis be illegal, or legal? Yeah i soupport regualtion! dont even think pot smoking is cool i know loosers that smoke pot! I like to smoke pot bc it gets me high
  8. K

    Pot smoking surpasses tobacco use among teens for first time since 1981

    HEy its healthier and actually does something for you! HEck yeah I love grass!
  9. K

    Ukraine to Open Chernobyl… to Tourism?

    I Do not think you would actually come out with a third arm thats just silly! Only in comic books does raditon Give super powers, In real life it just gives cancer!
  10. K

    Tron Girl song

    I could see Gpow and aman making a song like that~
  11. K

    Drugs are bad. But good for spectators.

    ROFL! I thjnk he was on coke too~
  12. K

    Tron Girl song

    That was a cute video! I want some tron panties! Then nerdy guys would lust over me
  13. K

    A Drop of Water at 10,000FPS

    Yeah thats soo cool! I use to love watching that show on discovery Smoke a blunt! watch things in slow motion NOW THATS A PARTY
  14. K

    Insert Coin Stop-motion

    That was awesome! That most have taken them forever since TV brodcasts at 24fps they did a lot of coin moveing awesome vid
  15. K

    Indoor Skydiving

    I have actually Done this! There is a place in orlando FL about 3 hours from my house! It is alot of fun u have never been actual skydiving, But the 2 really cool things about doing indoor Is your Time of feeling like your flying is a lot longer When you Jump from a airplane you get about 3...
  16. K

    Some Black Ops Sniping Clips

    Yeah wafflez I have become a addict of this game! Well That was verry nicely done one thing treyarch said is they wanted to get rid of quickscoping and it seems they did a good job I mean he was quick but it was not cod4 fast still a awesome video
  17. K

    Ukraine to Open Chernobyl… to Tourism?

    Yeah i dont imagaine Its gonna be the next disney world or anything! I have seen that town on the history channel show life after pepole. It looks really cool, But i think If you see pictures of desrted building i dont really need to go there. If i was in russia there are lots of other things i...
  18. K

    Robot Unicorn Attack - Flash game

    Dang it i hate when i end up adopting alots and dont notice it!
  19. K

    Above And Beyond - Can't Sleep (Kill Paris's Dubstep Remix)

    thanks you so much for that gpow that was really awesome~!
  20. K

    My Black Ops montage

    Its awesome just needs more of my Server lol
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