Woozie's graphic set for TheMaveSite!

yep anyone can do it,
not telling woozie hes bad
cuz he's not.
woozie perhaps you could help me in the biz?
www.frostbytez.com - Logo designing
im saying
"Anyone" could do it but it takes a while to find the right
software,plugins,fonts,and time!
woozie pretty much has all of it :)
+Respect + cookie for woozie
do you
talk like

Instead of :

Creon this way it's much better to type :T, doesn't look retarded :p
CreonSniper said:
"Anyone" could do it but it takes a while to find the right
software,plugins,fonts,and time!
Err, no. You have to know how to merge these things into 1 nice thing.
Creon uses 1 font for all his logos (at least what ive seen) i think they are all TimesNewRoman... and tbh i dont like Creons logos... i dont think there worth money, when you could just post on these forums and get 2-4 people willing to make a logo for ya (me, woozie, zez, blewert, etc)

no offence to ya creon, your still a cool guy :thumbsup:
Off Topic, this is one of the things I hate ><
it's :

"You're fat", not "Your fat"
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