Windows 8?


TMS Founder
Just wondering if anyone from TMS is running W8, and if yes to that answer: Do you recommend to upgrade?
Have some double feelings atm, because I'm really not digging that 'metro thing'.
But still how can something new be really bad if I haven't heard negative stuff yet?


Pic unrelated.
As far as I know and have seen, it would be wise to wait until they update it to fix the major bugs and issues. Till then it's not worth switching over from windows 7, which is awesome as it is.
Stable, but definitely not free from bugs.
Don't get me wrong, they didn't fuck up nearly as bad as they did with vista thank god.
But as far as I could see, windows 8 is a nominal speed increase and you pay for it with a shitty UI built for tablets (you can remove with a third party program but still, it shouldn't be needed) and some bugs.
If they fix the major one's that i've seen pop up then i'd say sure no real reason not to but atm the small speed increase isn't worth it.
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